Senator Jeff Van Drew has been handpicked as the preferred candidate for the 2nd District by the Democratic establishment's party bosses. He is a cynical choice because his record is far from Democratic:
Van Drew gets a 100% rating from the NRA for his consistent opposition to sane gun control. He's taken NRA money as a candidate and he recently lied about it to a group of students.
He voted against gay marriage as recently as 2012.
He wants to bring back the death penalty, despite its cost, ineffectiveness, and the clear evidence of racism in its application.
He opposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50.
He wants to take NJ out of the regional climate change initiative, though South Jersey will be under water when just half the icecaps melt (think about that!).
Perhaps worst of all: His campaign website still doesn't even have an "Issues" or "Platform" page, though he's been a candidate for six months. Apparently he believes the endorsement of the South Jersey Democratic Party machine is all he needs.
The party bosses — and the ham-handed Democratic establishment in Washington, DC — believe this man has the best chance of winning, but they must not realize that the 2nd District is a true swing district. People here admirably vote for the person, not the party — which is why they sent to Congress an environmentalist, pro-gay rights, pro-union Republican, Frank LoBiondo, for the past two decades. Yes, Donald Trump won the district (though by less than 5%), but Barack Obama won it twice, and by over 8% in 2012.
This is not Conor Lamb's district in Pennsylvania, which Trump won by 20% (and Conor Lamb is well to the left of Jeff Van Drew). This is a socially progressive place, with tough, resilient, thoughtful people. They can smell B.S. from a mile away. If Democratic primary voters learn about Jeff Van Drew's record, they will realize he's the wrong choice for South Jersey.
We must demand better of our politicians.
On June 5th, use your vote to tell the establishment that the days of politics as usual are over.