​I lost my mother to cancer in 2015. She had been a doctor, a pediatric radiologist and a professor of medicine, for her entire career. Despite access to the best treatments available, she lost her fight. But because of her socio-economic status, she had a chance. She survived for five and a half years after diagnosis. Most people are not so lucky.
I believe heathcare should be a right, not a privilege. Nearly every other industrialized country has figured out how to provide healthcare for all citizens. It's shameful that the United States of America has not. Here's my plan:
Mandate universal healthcare: Every American has the right to medical care.
Advance a Medicare-for-All, single-payer system. Healthcare, of all industries, should be a non-profit industry.
Expand Medicaid to cover more poor Americans.
Fight the rollback of reproductive rights and funding for women's health initiatives.
Establish paid family and medical leave.
Hold drug companies accountable for price-gouging.