Invest in public infrastructure for jobs, safety, and the general advancement of the country.
Increase the minimum wage to make it a living wage.
Support small business entrepreneurship much more robustly.
Provide governmental support only to sustainable economic development projects.
Advance renewable energy research and development, and subsidize its wide adoption.
Encourage the creation of more worker-owned cooperatives and labor-employer works councils.
Acknowledge that our political and economic system has left behind vast swaths of the country, including disproportionately high numbers of people of color, and begin moving the country to a universal basic income (UBI).
Fight outsourcing and close tax loopholes that encourage corporations to keep operations and money overseas.
Use the legislative process to restore Net Neutrality, because a free internet has been the biggest driver of economic development in history, and the end of Net Neutrality means the end of online freedom.
Establish fair trade deals with countries around the world, using trade policy to preserve jobs in the U.S. and improve working conditions and environmental practices abroad.
Address the crisis in American agriculture by supporting small farms, family farms, and the expansion of organic and regenerative agriculture.